Saturday, April 18, 2020
Music Concert Report Essay Example
Music Concert Report Essay Concert Report Guidelines Listening to live performances is an essential part of learning to appreciate and understand music. Treat this report as though you were a music critic writing for your local newspaper. In other words, what did you like/not like and why? Here are some general guidelines to help you listen, think, and write about a concert. Basic Information to Include When and where did the concert take place? How many pieces were performed? What were they called and how many movements were in each? Who composed each piece? Who were the performers (name of the ensemble and/or names of the soloists)? If there was a conductor, what was his or her name? What types of instruments were played and/or what types of voice parts were featured? Was there any special purpose to the concert? If so, explain. General Questions to Keep in Mind What was your general reaction to the concert? How did the performance sound to you? Was the music performed well? Were the musicians rhythmically â€Å"together†? Were they playing/singing in tune? Did any instruments or voices stick out? How would you rate the musicians’ technical ability and the energy of their performance? Did they seem well prepared for the concert? We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Music Concert Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Which composition did you like best? Why? (e. g. , what specifically did you like about the piece itself or the way it was performed? ) Which composition did you like least? Why? Did any of the compositions trigger an emotional response from you? What were your specific feelings or thoughts in response to the music? Specific Points to Consider You may want to focus your discussion and analysis of the concert on one or more of the following points. Describe what you heard and observed using the following musical terms, elements, and concepts discussed in class when applicable. Genre (symphony, concerto, string quartet, etc. ) Stylistic period (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, etc. ) Mood (emotion conveyed by the music and performers) Pitch To what extent does pitch vary throughout the piece? How do changes in pitch reflect changes in mood? Rhythm (beat, accent, tempo, meter, syncopation) How were the elements of rhythm used to create special or interesting musical effects? Dynamics (level of sound) Identify changes in dynamics and discuss the effect these changes create. Tone color (bright, brassy, warm, ringing, hollow, etc. Mode (major, minor) Harmony/Melody Discuss the balance (or lack of it) between the melody and its accompaniment. Did you hear consonance, dissonance, or a combination of both? Motives/Themes Identify and note where individual motives and themes are first introduced and subsequently reappear in each piece. Texture (monophony, homophony, polyphony, etc. ) Form (sonata form, A B A, theme and variations, etc. ) Using the musical terminology and concepts covered in class, discuss the most interesting musical elements or features of the pieces that were performed. Compare the pieces from this performance with other compositions you have studied in class, noting similarities and differences. (Note: In selecting a composition from class, you may want to look for a piece by the same composer, from the same style period, or of the same genre as the piece(s) from the performance. ) How does this concert compare to the performance(s) you attended previously? Describe the behavior of the performers and the audience. What, if any, interaction occurred between the two? What kind of behavioral expectations do performers and audiences bring to the concert? How are these expectations satisfied or frustrated? Other VERY Important Information Concerts should be semi-professional/collegiate level or above. (For example, attending a younger sibling’s high school band concert will not be accepted. ) The purpose of these concerts is to attend a concert you might not normally attend in an attempt to expand your horizons. This means attending a rock/country/pop concert is out of the question. A good rule of thumb is when debating whether a concert is appropriate or not, ask your professor! Once you attend a concert, please submit the report within five days of the event. Any papers handed in beyond that point will NOT be accepted. Paper requirements: a minimum of two pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins. Please edit your paper for accuracy. Include the program (or ticket stub if no program is given out) with the report. Organizations With Community Events Calendars on the Web: AM: http://performancestudies. tamu. edu/ Blinn: http://www. blinn. edu/odonnell/index. htm MSC OPAS: http://opas. tamu. edu/ Arts Council – Brazos Valley: http://www. acbv. org/ KBTX: http://www. kbtx. com/ KAMU: http://events. publicbroadcasting. net/kamu/events. eventsmain
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