Monday, October 21, 2019
Contributions to the Care of People in a Residential Setting Essays
Contributions to the Care of People in a Residential Setting Essays Contributions to the Care of People in a Residential Setting Essay Contributions to the Care of People in a Residential Setting Essay SOCIAL WORK: Contribute to care of people in a residential scene Undertaking 1: Explanation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its application in the societal services The Treaty of Waitangi is an understanding signed between the Maori and the Crown in the twelvemonth 1840. It has four rules that are being applied in the societal services of today, and these are: partnership, protection, engagement and permission. These rules are applied when societal workers work together with the whanau and the client in the decision-making with respects to the sort of attention the client needs. It is besides applied when client’s cultural rights are kept safe and leting them to pattern their traditions if pleased. These rules are applied in lending to the attention of people in a residential scene based on these undermentioned illustrations: 1. PROTECTION – A Maori occupant who wants to maintain his traditions such as taking places upon come ining his room must be observed by the staff to demo their regard of his cultural rights. 2. PARTNERSHIP – Social worker, client and whanau could form a hui to discourse about the best alternate instruction classs to set up for a Maori kid who has been admitted at a CYFs residential place due to condemnable discourtesy. 3. PARTICIPATION – Client and societal worker may hold a regular hebdomadal meeting to discourse about the effectivity of being admitted in a residential place for the client. Client can work together with the societal worker to develop a program on how the activities and plans in the installation could be helpful to him. Undertaking 2: Manage admittance to residential attention Context/Setting Hoani Waititi Marae Individual/Group Age Group Summary of ground for admittance to residential attention R.W. adolescent R.W. is a 15 twelvemonth old Maori female who has been arrested and admitted to CYFS residential attention due to failure to stay by her set curfew clip. R.W. was first sent to youth tribunal due to robbery. She was sentenced to 3 months community service, required to go to Maori alternate instruction and was set a curfew until 7pm. However, on their latest visit to tribunal, her grandmother raised an issue to the justice that R.W. has been coming place past her curfew clip in more than a few times, and when asked where she has been, she merely walks straight to her room and non reply the inquiry. She was given a constabulary warning, but on her 3rd discourtesy, the constabulary came and picked her up and set her to the residential place. ( Task 2 ) Placement Diary – ( Student to Complete ) Student Name Hannah Marie N. Manlangit Workplace Hoani Waititi Marae Meetings and Communication ( related to admission procedure ) Date Notes/key points of information provided to the occupants 16 Sept 2014 Nature of the alternate attention arrangement where the client will be admitted to. 17 Sept 2014 List of recreational activities and alternate instruction that will be provided to the client one time admitted in the residential attention. Summary of information gained to find single arrangement demands in the abode Cultural and religious patterns – Client is a Maori and has close dealingss with her whanau which should be considered in her residential place. She should be able to hold an unfastened communicating with her whanau when needed. Health and dietetic demands – Client demands to make karakia earlier repasts as portion of her civilization. Support people: Friends and household – Open communicating with whanau and friends. Government and community bureaus – Client’s societal worker should still be involved in the assessment procedure during her stay in the residential place. High hazard appraisal injury, failure to stay by set regulations or run off etc. Avocations, activities – Client loves music and enjoys playing the piano. This can be integrated in Her attention program and alternate instruction. Notes/key points of how you managed admittance in conformity with your workplace standards/ demands Our arrangement s criterions and processs chiefly concentrate on sing the client s safety and wellbeing. First, informed consent is gained before the admittance procedure is conducted. The occupant is informed of all outlooks and a meeting is organized so that both parties are agreeable that the arrangement is appropriate. Once a definite program has been made and the client has agreed to be admitted in the arrangement, residential regulations and processs are laid down to her before she starts his stay in the installation. She is besides informed of the abode programmes and resources that could assist her in acquiring back on the right path. Resident rights and duties are besides discussed, every bit good as grudges processs, should she non abide by the policies and processs of the installation. Client is besides assessed before admittance to let the residential installation to obtain of import and relevant information from the client sufficient for the intent of finding single arrangement and demands within the abode. Other notes/reflections on the admittance procedure Admission processs are completed in conformity with service supplier criterions. Agencies will hold different processs when acknowledging a new occupant. The manner one bureau admits a occupant may be really different from another bureau. They may hold different protocols and processs. Undertaking 3: Contribute to be aftering for residential attention of the occupant ( Task 3 ) Placement Diary – ( Student to finish ) Student Name Hannah Marie N. Manlangit Workplace Hoani Waititi Marae Contributions to be aftering for attention of the occupant Date Notes/key points of any meetings or other communicating, inside informations of actions related to be aftering for the attention of the occupant 16 Sept 2014 Social worker arranges a whanau hui with the household members, the client, her support individual and a representative of the residential attention to discourse about their program of action to back up the client. 17 Sept 2014 All agreed upon programs during the meeting will be written down in a minute of the meeting and sent to all parties involved in the hui by electronic mail or by station. What factors were relevant to the planning of residential attention for the occupant? Aims for admittance to the abode Integration of the person into the abode Results of the admittance appraisal Ethical pattern Keeping information confidential Following statute law Encouraging self-government Reviewing the program Followed SW profession s codification of moralss Followed bureau s codification of behavior Ascertained cultural pattern Service supplier criterions Follow Social Work profession s codification of moralss Follow bureau s codification of behavior Observe cultural patterns What were the indispensable characteristics of the resident’s residential attention program? Matching of the occupant s demands with the services provided by the abode Aims of the program Resources that are available to accomplish the aims of the program A clip frame that is consistent with the usage of available resources The functions and duties of people in the program Methods of measuring advancement Other notes/reflections on the admittance procedure Before an alternate arrangement happens, the appropriate parties may run into several times to discourse and portion relevant information, issues and demands of the client for their safety and wellbeing. Legislation Gender Residential Rules Undertaking 4: Contribute to residential attention of the occupant ( Task 4 ) Placement Diary – ( Student to finish ) Student Name Hannah Marie N. Manlangit Workplace Hoani Waititi Marae Contributions to care of occupant Date Notes/key points of any meetings or other communicating, inside informations of actions related to attention of the occupant 16 Sept 2014 During the whanau hui, client’s involvements and avocations will be taken in consideration to assist do the option attention stay would be good to the client. 17 Sept 2014 During the stay in the alternate attention, client’s cultural rights will be practiced at all times. Sketch your function and the chief duties you have in the residential attention program Guaranting the safety and wellbeing of the occupant ( and other occupants ) as their first consideration at all times. The societal worker has fulfilled all their allocated duties in conformity with the societal worker s function in the residential attention program. What contact was arranged for the occupant to hold with their family/whanau? Ongoing contact of the occupant with their whanau throughout the period of abode is facilitated in conformity with the program. Telephone Mail Visiting Planned joint meetings with residential staff What are the supervising and custodial attention demands of the occupant? Supervision and tutelary attention of the occupant is carried out harmonizing to the program and residential demands: Physical and behavioral boundaries Legislative demands Health and safety direction Behavioural direction How does the residential attention program promote self-government of the occupant, and discourage dependence on you, other societal workers and the societal service supplier? Part of the function of facilitation is to promote self-government of parties to the program. This means promoting all parties to the program to carry through their identified functions, and to take ownership of these functions. Dependence on the societal worker or societal service supplier needs to be discouraged. Encouraging self-government: Outlined bureau s aims and appropriate statute law, endorsing up bureaus mandate/kaupapa. Informing client and whanau of the parametric quantities and range of the meeting, and allowed them to specify the best options. Work collaboratively with the household to happen a in-between land where bureau authorization and whanauchoices are nt alining. Detering dependence on societal services: Give infinite so the whanau can specify their ain possible solutions Where possible the bureau stairss aside, so the household can step up. Other notes ( Reflect on the determination doing procedure ) Social worker could give the client and whanau aid in the best manner she could but at the same clip, give them options to let them to do a determination on what they think would outdo suit the client’s needs. Undertaking 5: Contribute to rating of the residential attention program ( Task 5 ) Placement Diary – ( Student to finish ) Student Name Hannah Marie N. Manlangit Workplace Hoani Waititi Marae Contributions to rating of residential attention program Date Notes/key points related to the rating of the residential attention program 16 Sept 2014 Agenda a regular monitoring of the client’s advancement in the residential attention, for illustration, have the societal worker visit her hebdomadal. 17 Sept 2014 Make a attention program for the client and refer to the attention program and her advancement in the residential attention. How did you help parties to place advancement in accomplishing the aims of the residential attention program? Throughout the execution ( and at the decision ) of the alternate attention program, advancement against program objectives needs to be determined, and documented. Keeping an unfastened communicating with the client and inquiring her about how she feels about being in the residential installation. If she is happy with her stay and if she thinks if it has been helpful to her. Promote the whanau of the client to maintain their support and aid with the client and maintaining the connexion between them intact throughout the whole procedure. How did you help the parties to measure the safety and wellbeing of the occupant and other occupants? The monitoring of advancement besides needs to specifically include monitoring of advancement in footings of the safety and good being of the person who is the topic of the arrangement. Keeping in touch with the installation staff and inquiring for their observation on the advancement and betterment of the client. Discoursing with the whanau of the client on how they think their connexion with the client improved during the whole procedure of alternate attention. What further options ( if any ) were identified following a reappraisal of the resident’s attention program? When execution of the program is complete, the program needs to be reviewed. In some instances the reappraisal will ensue in farther options being identified. The reappraisal may besides find some different results in footings of accomplishment of aims and these besides need to be recorded in the program. Plans can be reviewed as necessary: either hebdomadal, monthly, every three months depending on clients fortunes. How did you maintain all communications confidential? Communicationss were kept confidential by guaranting that whanau huis are held in closed suites with merely the people who are closely involved in the instance are present. I besides ensured that all paperss refering the client are kept in a secured topographic point that are merely accessible to the societal workers working in the client s instance and are non left lying around for people to see. Outline the statute law that was relevant to this resident/situation, and how it impacted on your part to the resident’s attention. The most of import legisltation applied in this procedure was thePrivacy Act. The client’s personal information was kept safe by the residential attention arrangement. As pupils, we were asked to subscribe a confidentiality signifier to guarantee that we will be apt in instance of information being exposed to parties non involved in the procedure. Human Rightswere kept in topographic point throughout the whole procedure by guaranting that client’s cultural, physical, mental and religious rights were kept in consideration at all times. As a Maori, their tikanga were kept integral at all times and whanau engagement was extremely encouraged. Other notes ( Reflect on the determination doing procedure ) The relationship between client and societal worker does non stop one time client is placed in a residential attention. Monitoring of client advancement one time released from residential attention is besides critical and of import to guarantee that client does non travel back to her old ways. Particularly for immature clients, societal worker must help the client on activities and avocations that will assist her divert her attending and non travel back to her old ways and take the consecutive way. Undertaking 6: Application of societal service theory In this peculiar instance, the societal work theory on Working with Particular Client Groups was taken into consideration because we were covering with a adolescent. A client at this age has different demands and involvements as compared to an grownup client. Social worker must guarantee to derive the attending and trust of the client to guarantee her cooperation in the procedure. Gender is besides taken into history, since the client is a miss, the societal worker gave her residential attention options that are friendly to her demands and in where she will experience safe and secure. Cultural rights were besides taken note of. Client is a Maori therefore, she was referred to a Maori organisation to protect her tikanga and allow her cognize more about her whakapapa. During her young person hearing the justice encouraged her to declaim her pipiha to remind her of her whanangataunga and to pattern their Te reo which was really helpful to the client as it besides encouraged her to acqui re connected with her cultural roots. Hannah Marie N. Manlangit13160103
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