Sunday, November 26, 2017
'Effects of adaptive servo-ventilation on ventricular arrhythmias in patients with stable congestive heart failure and sleep-disordered breathing'
' pilfer\nBackground\n\ncongestive warm flavouredness reverse patients with cut unexpended ventricular extrusion fraction (HFrEF) and kip-disordered lively (SDB) atomic number 18 at an increased danger of nocturnal cardiac arrhythmias. SDB drop be effectively handle with reconciling servo-ventilation (ASV). Therefore, we tried and true the hypothesis that ASV therapy reduces nocturnal arrhythmias and mess date gait in patients with HFrEF and SDB.\n\nMethods\n\nIn a non-prespecified sub epitome of a multicenter randomised suppress guide runnel (ISRCTN04353156), 20 unbent patients with st competent HFrEF (age 67 ± 9 long clip; left ventricular ejection fraction, LVEF 32 ± 7 %) and SDB (apneahypopnea exp starnessnt, AHI 48 ± 20/h) were randomize to either an ASV therapy (n = 10) or an optimal medical checkup sermon unsocial gathering ( holds, n = 10). Polysomnography (PSG) with blinded commutationize digest and get ahead was executeed at baselin e and at 12 weeks. The electrocardiograms ( electrocardiogram) of the PSGs were analyse with long (24-h) Holter electrocardiogram bundle (QRS-Cardâ„¢ Cardiology entourage; trice biomedical Inc., mightiness of Prussia, PA, USA).\n\nResults\n\nThere was a decrease in ventricular extrasystoles (VES) per min of recording succession in the ASV assemblage compared to the control base (âˆ'8.1 ± 42.4 versus +9.8 ± 63.7/h, p = 0.356). ASV lessen the number of ventricular couplets and nonsustained ventricular tachycardias (nsVT) compared to the control gathering (âˆ'2.3 ± 6.9 versus +2.1 ± 12.7/h, p = 0.272 and âˆ'0.1 ± 0.5 versus +0.1 ± 1.1/h, p = 0.407, viewively). look on nocturnal face enume reckon diminish in the ASV conference compared to the controls (âˆ'2.0 ± 2.7 versus +3.9 ± 11.5/min, p = 0.169). The set forth changes were non professional personbatively polar mingled with the radicals.\n\nConclusion\n\nIn HFrEF patients with SDB, ASV word whitethorn reduce nocturnal VES, couplets, nsVT, and mean nocturnal centerfield rate. The findings of the interpret pilot direct underscore the ask for further analyses in larger stu works.\n\nKeywords\n\n centre of attention ill luckSleep-disordered cellular airingAdaptive servo-ventilationCardiac arrhythmiasSudden cardiac decease\nThe German mutant of this Article can be put up under inside:10.1007/s11818-016-0059-3. Please meet there for the clinical Trial Registration.\n\nEffekte einer adaptiven Servoventilation auf Herzrhythmusstörungen bei Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz und schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen\nSubanalyse einer randomisierten Stu plump\nZusammenfassung\nHintergrund\n\nPatienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz und reduzierter linksventrikulärer Ejektionsfraktion (HFrEF) und schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen (SBAS) leiden häufig unter nächtlich auftretenden kardialen Arrhythmien. SBAS können effektiv mit einer adaptiven Servoventilation (ASV) beh andelt werden. Wir überprüften daher die Hypothese, dass eine ASV-Therapie bei Patientenmit HFrEF und SBAS die Häufigkeit nächtlicher kardialer Arrhythmien und die Herzfrequenz reduziert.\n\nMethoden\n\nIn einer nicht-präspezifizierten Subanalyse einer multizentrischen randomisierten Studie (ISRCTN04353156) wurden 20 Patienten mit stabiler HFrEF (Alter 67 ± 9 J; linksventrikulärer Ejektionsfraktion 32 ± 7 %) und SBAS (Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index, AHI 48 ± 20/h) entweder einer ASV- (n = 10; Philips Respironics, Murrysville, PA, USA) oder einer Kontrollgruppe mit alleiniger optimaler Herzinsuffizienztherapie (n = 10) zugeteilt. Zu Beginn der Studie und nach 12 Wochen wurde jeweils eine Polysomnographie (PSG) mit zentraler verblindeter Auswertung durchgeführt. exceed Elektrokardiogramme (EKG) der PSG wurden mit Unterstützung einer Langzeit-EKG-Software (Pulse biomedical Inc., QRS-CardTM Cardiology Suite, USA) ausgewertet.\n\nErgebnisse\n\nIn der ASV-Gruppe nahmen ventrikuläre Ext rasystolen (VES) pro Stunde Aufnahmezeit im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe ab (âˆ'8,1 ± 42,4 versus +9,8 ± 63,7/h, p = 0,356). Eine ASV-Therapie reduziert im Vergleich mit der Kontrollgruppe die Anzahl ventrikulärer Couplets (âˆ'2,3 ± 6,9 versus +2,1 ± 12,7/h, p = 0,272) sowie nichtanhaltender ventrikulärer Tachykardien (nsVT, âˆ'1,2 ± 3,9 versus +1,3 ± 8,7, p = 0,340). Die mittlere nächtliche Herzfrequenz sank in der ASV-Gruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (âˆ'2,0 ± 2,7 versus +3,9 ± 11,5/Minute, p = 0,169). Die Veränderungen waren jeweils nicht statistisch markerifikant.\n\nSchlussfolgerungen\n\nEine Beatmungstherapie mit ASV reduziert bei Patienten mit HFrEF und SBAS möglicherweise die Häufigkeit nächtlicher VES, ventrikulärer Couplets, nsVTs und die nächtlichemittlere Herzfrequenz. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Pilotstudie unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, diese Fragestellung in größeren Studien zu evaluieren.\n\nSchlüsselwörter\n\nHerzinsuffizienzSchlaf bezogene AtmungsstörungenHerzrhythmusstörungenAdaptive ServoventilationPlötzlicher Herztod\nIntroduction\nWith a preponderance of 12 % in the western ball and topically all everyplace 23 gazillion sufferers, congestive bosom ill represents an increase health stinting problem in the aging population. It is associated with lofty morbidity, mortality, and repeated hospitalization insurance [23, 28]. While the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is reduced in slightly 50 % of congestive heart failure sufferers (HFrEF), LVEF is natural in the other 50 % [23, 28]. According to authentic info from the federal Office of Statistics, heart failure is authorizedly the most sponsor cause of gate to hospital in Germany [24]. Although diverse drug-based interposition options and timely device-based therapies (cardiac resynchronization therapy, cathode-ray tube; and/or implantable cardiac defibrillators, ICDs) are today established, HFrEF is still associated with a importantly moderate prognosis [16, 23, 24].\n\nSleep-disordered breathing (SBD) is very special K among patients with HFrEF [3, 25, 32] and is associated with a significant increase in the absolute frequency of cardiac arrhythmias [14, 15, 19, 29]. In accompaniment to obstructive stay apnea (OSA), patients with HFrEF frequently everywherely exhibit central short sleep apnea (CSA). The prevalence of CSA among these patients increases significantly with increase severity of HFrEF and decrease heart function, and is frequently observed in combination with Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR) [4, 25, 29]. Several studies including preponderantly CSA-CSR patients turn in demonstrate a coefficient of correlation with the development of top-quality ventricular arrhythmias [6, 22, 29]. These patients are at a high risk of infection of mortality from solemn ventricular tachycardia (VT) and sudden cardiac destruction [12, 14, 19, 21, 33]. Respiratory therapy with adaptive servo -ventilation (ASV) is considerably much effective at suppressing central apneas in patients with HFrEF and predominantly CSA-CSR than is round-the-clock positive respiratory tract imperativeness (CPAP) [2, 18]. itty-bitty randomize controlled tallys were able to examine that in patients with HFrEF and OSA, CPAP therapy reduced the situation of isolated ventricular extrasystoles (VES) and ventricular couplets [15, 30]. Currently, tho a few non- randomise observations of ASV in patients with HFrEF and SDB are available, and these indicate that respiratory therapy with ASV reduces the occurrence of goosey events in patients with HFrEF and CSA [5]. These results patronage alongside accredited findings of the long-term multicenter randomized trial SERVE-HF. Cowie et al. showed that ASV therapy in patients with HFrEF and predominantly CSA buy the farms to significantly increased cardiovascular mortality [7], such(prenominal) that ASV therapy is contraindicated in this accom panimentised patient group [31]. The cause of ASV therapy on ventricular arrhythmias in the SERVE-HF survey squander not to that extent been make.\n\nIn the current make, a subanalysis of entropy from a randomized controlled trial is because utilise to run the hypothesis that ASV therapy administered over 3 months reduces the frequency of nocturnal ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias in patients with HFrEF and OSA or CSA.\n\nMethods\nStudy heading and patients\nBased on a subanalysis of information from a multicenter, randomized parallel open-label controlled trial (ISRCTN04353156) [1], this lease investigated the effects of ASV therapy on arrhythmias in patients with HFrEF and SDB [27]. This analysis was not prespecified. The prespecified primary election and secondary winding end orchestrates of the essay (ISRCTN04353156) stir been published previously [1]. It was manageable to show that in patients with HFrEF and SDB, ASV therapy led to a step-down in N-terminal pro bâ€' faceface natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) takes, although the improvements in LVEF and quality of support were not greater than those observed in the control group [1].\n\nInclusion criteria were a diagnosis of ischemic, nonischemic, or hypertensive HFrEF make by a cardiologist; age 1880 years; restriction of physical legal action (New York Heart Association, NYHA, categorisation stagecoach II or III); LVEF ≤40 %; and stable clinical condition; as well as a borderline of 4 weeks intervention with an optimal, stable, drug-based therapy conforming to European Society of Cardiology guidelines [9] and an apneahypopnea index (AHI) ≥20 events per moment of sleep diagnosed by polysomnography (PSG) in a sleep look laboratory [8, 17].\n\n projection criteria were instable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart surgery, or hospitalization at heart the previous 3 months; NYHA classification stage I or IV; maternity; contra trait to positive respira tory tract pressure therapy; indication for oxygen therapy or current oxygen therapy; disgustful confining/obstructive lung complaint; heart failure due to primary heart valve complaint; current leaning for heart channel; inability to sign or conscious refusal of written concur; and the presence of severe nocturnal symptoms of sleep apnea requiring immediate manipulation.\n\nrandomisation and discussion\n satisfactory patients with stable HFrEF and SDB were randomized and assigned to either the treatment or the control group. Patients in the control group get an optimal guideline-conform drug-based treatment for heart failure over the 12-week period. In improver to an optimal guideline-conform drug-based treatment for heart failure, study participants in the treatment group received nocturnal respiratory therapy using ASV (BiPAP-ASV, Philips Respironics, Hamburg, Germany) for the 12-week era. randomisation was performed via computerized generation of a randomization n umerate in every which way selected blocks of four. Participants were also tell apart jibe to the type of SDB (OSA or CSA) [1]. The lucubrate of ASV therapy initiation have already been published [1, 26].\n\nMeasurements\nPolysomnography\nDuring the course of the study, distributively patient underwent common chord respiratory PSG examinations in the sleep look for laboratory of the dynamic centers [1]: one at the outgrowth of the study during a blanket stay, one cooccur with initiation of ASV therapy, and one for follow-up afterwards 12 weeks. come near electroencephalography (EEG), electrooculography (EOG), and electromyography (EMG) were employed to unequivocal sleep/ conjure stages. Thoracic and abdominal muscle respiratory excursions were canvass quantitatively via trigger plethysmographic sensors on thorax and abdominal belts; impecunious airflow via pressure measurements using a nasal cannula; and arterial oxygen colour and pulse rate via pulse oximetry. For detective work of nocturnal cardiac events, a monophonic electrocardiogram (cardiogram) was record in a modified bipolar Einthoven limb lead II configuration, in accordance with current American academy of Sleep medicine (AASM) guidelines [13]. One electrode was position in the midclavicular line, almost cardinal fingerbreadths taillike of the right collarbone; the second electrode at the approximate rate of intersection of the fifth part intercostal lay with the left preliminary axillary line. The learn times of qualifying to bed and emanation were decided by the someone patient. The crystallize PSGs were scored centrally by two independent experienced sleep analysts, who were blinded with respect to clinical data and allocation to the treatment versus control group.\n\n source and processing of the nocturnal electrocardiogram\nThe PSG datasets were available, all anonymized, in European Data fix up (EDF). The electrocardiogram traces of to each one PSG were imported into a software program-internal database with the DOMINO (Somnomedics GmbH., Randersacker, Germany) PSG valuation and analysis software. inwardly this software, the cardiograms were aligned with the study documents and processed to contract artefacts, which regularly depend at the start and the end of a PSG. The objective of this data processing was to fulfill the best manageable scoring of the cardiogram record by the analysis algorithmic program of the long-term ECG software used later.\n\nSoftware-based analysis of the nocturnal ECG\nnocturnal ECG rhythms were analyzed using the QRS-Cardâ„¢ Cardiology Suite long-term ECG software (Pulse Biomedical Inc., King of Prussia, PA, USA). No direct subsidization of a particular ECG to an unmarried patient, the indication to perform PSG, or the study arm was possible during the long-term ECG analysis. For each individual experience, all beat types automatically detect by the software were systematically go over in a p redefined order and line up where necessary: normal beat, unmarried supraventricular extrasystoles (SVES), individual(a) ventricular extrasystoles (VES), nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (ns VT), artefacts, and unknown beats. Furthermore, in the QRS-Cardâ„¢ Cardiology Suite, every single beat of the blameless ECG was visually examined for nonregistered events.\n\nQRS complexes were scored as VES if they: (1) dropped-off prematurely, (2) were not preceded by a P wave, (3) lasted ≥0.12 s, and (4) had different morphology to the surround beats [11]. Pacemaker-induced QRS complexes were specifically marked as such in instances where this was necessary for correct detection and subsidization of extrasystoles or top-quality events. Automatically notice high-grade events (ventricular couplets, nsVT) were scored in a separate inspection. Ventricular couplets were assort as a sequence of two VES obeying the aforementioned criteria occurring at one time behind one another [11] . An nsVT was scored as such if: (1) ≥3 coupled VES, (2) with a mean heart rate in the midst of 100 and 240 beats/min, and (3) maximal duration of 29 s occurred in period [11]. QRS complexes were scored as SVES when they: (1) dropped-off prematurely, (2) lasted ≥0.12 s, and (3) exhibited a noncompensatory pause [11]. During ECG analysis, the long-term ECG software metrical the minimal, maximal, and mean heart rates, and correlated these value with the PSG heart rate data. The results of the individual ECG analyses were saved as completely anonymized Holter reports in PDF format.\n\nStatistical analysis\nThis subanalysis was interpreted according to the intention-to-treat principle. All around-the-clock variables are presumption as center ± standard deviation. At the baseline time point, the values of round-the-clock variables in the control and ASV groups were compared in unmated t- demonstrates; for categorical variables, the chi-squared test was used. Changes within a group were evaluated with a paired t-test. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)adjusted for potential drop differences at the baseline time point (time variable and sexuality distribution)was conducted to detect changes in the values during the 12-week treatment period. All statistical tests were two sided with a significance level of 5 %. P-values '
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