
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Essay --

Unit 3 QuestionsDirections Completely outline each prompt. This is a typed assignment. Fill in each box completely. If it says do one or two of the following do all. For thesis statement honest guide one point. 10 points off for every day late.1. Analyze the changes and continuities in the Arabic realitys word sense of ONE of the following items amidst 700 and 1400. Be sure to discuss the causes of the changes as well as the reasons for the continuities. humanistic disciplineTechnologySciencesThesis with road map DO NOT just now repeat the prompt.Throughout this time consequence there has been changes and continuities among the Arab population acceptance of art. Mosques remained a focus of art most likely because much of them were unwaveringly rooted in Islam. Break down each point. You need at least(prenominal) three pieces of evidence for each. Stay within the time periodArtsA variety of different art styles emerged in as appreciation of finer art became more wid e spreadElements of architecture were dispersed such(prenominal) as roman archesMosques continued to be construct throughout the Islamic Golden Age TechnologyGunpowder was introduced to the sum east and began to develop in battleIrrigation technology was improved which guide to better yieldsImproved medical procedures epitomized by the breakthrough of modern operationSciencesSuperior mathematics allowed for advanced astronomical accuracyMathematical concepts such as geometry and algebra were developedThroughout the time the Arabic number frame was used Global ConnectionA Global connection in the Arabic Empire between 1400 and 700 was the creation of madrassas or centers of learning. Muslims Jews and Christians all came unitedly to learn there. The best example of a Madras that connected the ... ...tionshipTreatment of minority/indigenous religionsThesis with road map DO NOT just repeat the prompt.Break down each point. You need at least three pieces of evidence for eac h. Stay within the time period floor adoption of IslamSub-Saharan Africa accepted it greatlyEuropeans fought Islamic expansion force conflictThe Crusades brought Europeans to try to reclaim the Holy LandMansa Musa grow his Islamic empire in West AfricaEconomic relationshipEuropean kingdoms traded widely with Mansa Musas kingdom for gold, and saltIslamic world taxed European goods traveling through the Middle EastTreatment of minority/indigenous religionEuropean kingdoms were intolerant of Islam, Jews and internal heresiesMansa Musa permitted a wide range of religions and fostered study of other religions and culturesGlobal Connection new(prenominal) helpful information

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