
Friday, February 8, 2019

Dont Judge a Book by the Cover Essay -- essays research papers

You Cant TellMany people feel that you send away tell a lot about a person by observing what they gain and what they eat. This is not the case. Choice of clothing and eating habits, in no way, allow you to pass impression on a person. perspicacity people based on these factors is extremely shallow. What superstar wears and eats in no way depicts character, behavior, or even intelligence. ace simply cannot whap a person by looking at them and observing what they eat. such a thought is ridiculous.Instead of looking at clothing and what wiz is eating, character should be the basis for opinion. Judging a book by the cover only leads to surprises, and in this case, judging a hu human race by dress can lead to surprises as well. Just because a man or woman may not dress as nicely, theyre not necessarily bad or even poor. The particular single may not care what anyone thinks. They may dress a current way just so people will pass judgment on them, some may just want the attention. This is often the case. Ones appearance can lead to many false judgments. By saying someone is a bum because of what they eat or wear shows total ignorance. If a person did nothing to better their situation, they can be considered bums. If the person has good character and is just going through a rough time, passing judgment because of clothing and what they eat is wrong. The person one may think is a bum may be the beaver worker around, with the most character. Without getting to know a per...

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