
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Stone Angel, an essay about anger and disappointment

        Anger and disappointment can be a neck onset of many things. Hagars kindle and disappointment can be seen from her ill-doing and her criminal ways. Through Hagars guilt she feels anger for what she did and disappointment for what could raise been.         In the first paragraph of the book when she is telling astir(predicate) the muffin angel on her mothers grave she states, I wonder if she stands thither yet, in memory of her who relinquished her feeble ghost as I gained my stubborn one.... (p. 3) Hagars stubborn personality is the stem of well-nigh of her anger and crimes. One of Hagars first crimes was when her brother, Daniel, was dying. Hagar was unable to grant him the pouffe categoric gave. Hagar would non put her mothers shawl on because she felt that she was non like her at exclusively. Hagar feels anger at her mother for Daniels illness, But all I could infer of was that meek char Id never seen, the woman Dan was s aid to correspond so much and from whom hed inherited a frailty I could not help but detest, hitherto much a part of me cute to sympathize. To play at being her - it was beyond me. (p. 25) Hagars start out sent her to school out einsteinium to learn how to become a proper lady.
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afterwards approach path back from college to become a proper lady, Hagar wanted to get wind school but her father wouldnt allow it. Hagar, instead, unploughed her fathers accounts and vie hostess. Hagar meets Bram Shipley three years later and decides to marry him. Her father does not approve of the marriage, but Hagar marries Bram in a tonicity of headstrong pride. ! Hagars father does not speak to her ever again. When go in the marriage with Bram, she expected that she... If you want to get a abundant essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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