
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Community Health Department Investigation

club Health surgical incision Investigation Alina Astacio SC300-20 9/2/2012 Kaplan University Community Health subdivision Investigation The theatre director of the Community Health Department has requested the Health Department Investigative Staff square up whether there is a health problem in the community, delinquent to a cryptic pattern of savant absences at few local ticker schools in the theater of operations. 1. Is there a parking lot discernment for the absences? Based on the data provided on absences, we female fork happenly see a spike in absences on whitethorn 20 and 21 in both(prenominal) Truman and capital of disseminated sclerosis Middle Schools; all otherwise schools had consistently normal absentee straddles. The absences in Truman M.S. and Jackson M.S. were isolated to the 7th human body anchor march classes. Announcements in the Truman school site, warns of exposure to mosquitos carrying West Nile computer virus. We can confidently design out West Nile Virus, since no children or anyone from the area or state has reportedly been, at the least, hospitalized for symptoms resembling, West Nile Virus; the absentee assess returns to normal within 2-3 days for both schools consort to the student attending and calendar data provided, the common causality for the absences of the band students of Truman and Jackson M.S.
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was participation in the Battle of the Bands emulation on May 19th,; a day before the high school rate of absences, which began on May 20th. None of the other schools, nor other cl asses in the school or within the 7th grade ! showed such(prenominal) a large and significant spike in absences for those days, or at all, in the attendance data provided. 2. Two testable wee Hypothesiss 1. The band students were suffering from a influenza or virus which was contracted due to close strive with an infected person(s); they have since appeared to have fully recovered and attendance has normalized later 72 hours. 18 students parents were interviewed from both schools and 17 out of 18 reported the same symptoms which included, stomach...If you necessity to perish a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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